ACM Training Setup Using The Dogfight Module

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Using the Dogfight Module for ACM training allows for many, quick repetitions in a repeating setup.

Server Setup

  • Moderator starts IVC Server and BMS Server (BMS Server doesn't need to be in 3D)
  • Players join Server lobby
  • Each flight is "hosted on the server" by a "Flight Host" (preferably Roster)
  • Divide the players into reasonable flights with good distribution of experience
  • Each flight gets a callsign assigned:
    • Claw1,
    • Mongo1,
    • Bull1,
    • Nimrod1,
    • Blazer1
  • IVC check with everybody in the lobby
  • Briefing

Game Setup

  • Each "Flight Host" starts a game online, and sets everything up:
- Dogfight - Match Play
- Uncheck "Unlimited Guns" and "ECM"
- BVR Tactic: "Random"
- Range:      50 NM (good distance makes it easier to set everything up)
- Altitude:   20000 FT
- Points:     20 (any high number; we'll end the game after a set time)
- Radar Missiles:          0
- All-aspect IR Missiles:  0
- Rear-aspect IR Missiles: 2
  • On the Red Team, create flights until you get your assigned callsign (Claw1, Mongo1, Bull1, Nimrod1, or Blazer1), make sure it's F-16s
  • Join the flight with the assigned callsign, and delete the other flights
  • On the Orange Team, create a Bandit flight with 2x MiG-21 Veteran (or any Bandits you like)
  • Choose a nice spot over the water or the desert (ITO) on the map

Players Join

  • Once everything is set up, the Flight Host calls the other players one by one to join the game
  • First #2, he joins the Flight Host's game on the server, and then the Flight Host's flight on the Red Team
  • When #2 is finished, Flight Host calls in #3, finally #4
  • If error message occurs, let the last player exit and another player try

Callsign.INI Setup

Edit or add the following lines to your "callsign.ini"


Game Session

  • Flight Host calls his flight to Commit, everybody clicks "Takeoff"
  • First round might be chaotic due to delayed joins
  • Flight Host makes sure his ACMI is recording
  • Flight Host should make notes after each round to make it easier to find highlights for Debriefing
  • In the pit use VHF channel 15 for flight comms, and UHF channel 14 for IDM (and trans-instance interflight comms), TACAN as desired

End / Debrief

  • After 30 to 40 minutes of play time, Moderator calls end of the training on UHF14, all flights finish the current session, and join Debriefing channel.
  • Short high level debriefs by flight
  • ACMI debriefing by flight, capped to 10 to 15 Minutes by flight, depending on player count (Moderator takes time)