SB quickstart

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Download/Install Steel Beasts

Important Notes

  • Make sure you run BOTH .exe installers above
  • Make sure you also install the codemeter runtime when prompted in the Steel Beasts installer

Install Mumble

Follow these instructions to setup whisper lists (We use this for company net):

If you're borrowing a license from someone...

Go here (if no worky, confirm your codemeter runtime is running)

Add the IP of the person giving you the license like so:


If you need to buy a license you have two options

  1. Go here
  2. Option 1: Buy a 1 month license for like $10. If you like the game, you can decide to buy a full license later.
  3. Option 2: Buy a full license, see link above.

In-Game Setup + Readiness

Goal: Shoot targets in the Tank Range. And shoot moving targets in the Tank Range. In a m1a2.

Mouse + Keyboard

For scrubs. If you want to get good you need to use a joystick. However if this is your only option:

  1. Click left click to flew mouse, easy on it.
  2. Laze: Right click
  3. Fire: Space bar
  4. Zoom: N
  5. Palm switch: P/middle mouse. This functionality drops the laze/lead, which is needed to reacquire and re-laze targets.
  6. FLIR/day mode: numpad +
  7. Switch polarity on FLIR: numpad -
  8. Select round fire control mode: Insert / Delete / Home / End. This does not mean the round is in the chamber. It just means the ballistic system will elevate the gun based on the top of round selected. Shows round type in the top right corner. If it's flashing you have a different round loaded. You need the correct selected otherwise your rounds will always land short/far.
  9. Procedure:
    1. Confirm correct round selected
    2. Left click to start slewing the turret
    3. Zoom in
    4. Laze
    5. Fire
    6. Press palm switch if you need to re-acquire a new target


If you have multiple joysticks/USB devices do this first:

Press alt-c to open up the controls screen.

Click configure axes.


If the black bar is significantly above the center line highlighted above, you will need to re-calibrate your joystick (use "set up USB game controllers" above) and/or put curves on it with your stick software or Joystick Gremlin etc. Otherwise your slew of the turret will drift constantly in whatever direction the axis is not centered to. There is no way to put deadzones or curves in Steelbeasts itself.

Now setup the binds/controls in the keyboard section.