Missile Types

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Fox 1

Fundamental concepts

Fox 1 is breivty for launching a missile that homes in on an externally supplied Radar source.


Pro's and cons

Fox 2

Fundamental concepts

Fox 1 is brevity for launching a missile that passivly (meaning without any activly supplied emitons) homes in on a ir or UV source.


These missile were the first truly fire and forget A/A weapons. Developed during the proliferation of fast jet aircraft it was becoming a simple fact that canons were no longer as effective as they needed to be, so a new weapon was needed. In 1961 General Dynamics submitted a patent for what would become the heart of the first of the sidewinder series of missiles.

AM logic (Spin Scan tracker)

This was the submitited design, it was effectivly a rotating mirror assembly that would 'run' what the seeker was looking at over a IR reticule:

This was the first in an ever evolving series of AM logic based seekers. In the time these were being developed the main emphasis was on improving both the missiles performance (longer range, more manuverability, higher launch g's) and the seekers ability to filter out background noise with different and more complex reticule patterns and electronics. Such a

Pro's and cons

Fox 3

Fundamental concepts


Pro's and cons