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Brief description of squadron SoPs and expectations for roles within a package.




Ground attacks require a Fighter to Fighter brief, to cover the following topics (FROTIES):

  • Formation: Flight formation. Default is trail.
  • Roles: For each callsign whether they are shooter (employing ordnance) or cover (Guaranteeing mutual support with visual and comm). Suppressor can also be used to indicate a role of suppressing the target.
  • Ordnance: Weapons to use.
  • Timing: Separation By x seconds or nautical miles
  • Ingress Direction: Magnetic bearing to target from IP
  • Egress Direction: Magnetic bearing from target to recovery
  • Sort: Who is attacking what on the target. Default sort is north to south from #1-4 or by element (north half by 1st element, south half 2nd element).

Sounds like this: "Trail, shooter, cover, shooter, cover. AGM-65D. 15 second separation by callsign. Ingress from IP 1, right to 060, egress to IP 1, left to 270. Lead sorted BMP north of the road, 3 sort T-80 south of the road"

Fighter to fighter briefs should be done for each pre-planned target and for attacks mid-flight, following this best practice flow:

  1. Flight lead capture/tally target and create mark point
  2. Plan fighter brief, write down on scratch pad
  3. Transmit mark point to flight and confirm flight capture/tally target of each flight member, possible talk-on
  4. Perform fighter-to-fighter brief
  5. Perform attack, re-issue new fighter brief as situation develops

Cover Aircraft's priorities for lookout

The numbers here are in order of what's most important to look at while covering the shooter. 1 = highest priority, 4 = lowest

to do: embed image onto this wiki, once WYSWIG editor is up.

Control + Comm

  1. Copy FROTIES brief, perform pre-attack capture/tally and/or talk-on
  2. Fly indicated formation (See FROTIES). Shooters at IP comm "[C/S] IP inbound" this lets everyone know you're lining up for the attack from the IP and so that others can ensure timing separation. Fly indicated ingress direction (See FROTIES). If there's no IP indicated, skip this line.
  3. On final (or 10 seconds from weapon release) comm "[C/S] in from the [ingress direction]", dispense countermeasures
  4. Recover the aircraft to the indicated egress direction (See FROTIES), dispense countermeasures and manage ECM. Comm: "Off [egress direction] [attack status]" where attack status can be:
  5. - didn't attack: "dry, [optional: reason]" e.g. "Off dry 060, parameters" means i'm egressing to 060, I couldn't get the correct weapon parameters. or "Off dry 060, defending AAA south"
  6. - Did attack: "[# of weapons + type] away" e.g. "Off 060, 2 long rifle away"
  7. Rejoin formation, get visual. prepare for possible re-attack, resort targets as per FROTIES.

Important note: Egress and ingress directions only need comm when it differs from FROTIES brief

Complete example:

"Nail31 IP inbound"

"Nail31 in 070"

"Nail31 off 280, two CBU away"

Laser Search Track + Comm

Tomcat: "10 seconds"/"30 seconds" = i need your laser in 10/30 seconds. This is a call to prepare the lasing aircraft to turn in for laser parameters.

Tomcat: "laser on" = turn your laser on now

A-10: "Lasing XXXX" = i'm lasing xxxx PRF code

Tomcat: "Spot" (i have contact with your laser) Or "negative laser" (i don't have contact with your laser)

if its type1/2 control (JTAC shit): A-10: Cleared hot or abort

Optional: "Stare xxxx" means use LST on indicated laser code


Whenever a flight is being directed to attack a target in which he does not have a preexisting steerpoint and target description, a "talk-on" can be used. A talk-on is a plain English narrative description of the target to ensure correct ID and capture of the target.


  1. Flight lead get mark point + capture of target.
  2. Transmit to flight, instruct flight to get eyes and sensors on target.
  3. Offset flight outside of target threat area, and comm "Flight, advise when ready for talk on". Maintain at least a 10 mile separation from the target so the wider target area can be observed.
  4. Start with an obvious reference cue, the intent is to "Walk" the flight from one cue to another until they have capture on the target. Good starting points are distinctive shaped roads, buildings or bodies of water.
    The directive comm after description is "call contact [the thing you just described]"
    The response from flight should be "Contact the [thing]"
    Talk-on descriptions and directions should be simple and short, driving the aircrew’s eyes and/or sensors from one point to another. A technique for doing this is to give directions in the following format, known by the mnemonic, “FIDO”:
    1. From a point (easily recognizable start point).
    2. In a direction (cardinal/sub-cardinal direction).
    3. Distance to travel (established unit of measure or meters).
    4. Object seen (target or object the lead wants the aircrew to see).
  5. "Capture" should be used for the target, while "contact" is used for visual reference points.

Example comm:

Finger11: "Fingers, advise when ready for talk on"

Finger12: "2"

Finge13: "3"

Finger14: "4"

Finger11: In the center of the town 50 meters west of a road running north to south there is a large comm tower, call contact

Fingers: "2 contact...3 contact...4 contact"

Finger11: "Two comm tower lengths to the north west is a military fence with 6 revetments on the north side of it, call contact"

Fingers: "2 contact...3 contact...4 contact"

Finger11: "The SA-2 launchers in those revetments are our target, call capture"

Fingers: "2 captured, 3 captured, 4 captured"

Many more examples here, ctrl-f for "General Visual Perspectives for Talk-On Consideration"


General Principles

  1. You're first in, last out. You are responsible for making sure the strikers get safely on and off target.
  2. Prefer to kill the site. Suppression is only a means to get into a position to kill the site.
  3. Never enter a SAM WEZ unless the SAM is suppressed or does not have LOS to you (e.g. masking)
  4. Kill any bandits within commit range of the target site.

Continuous suppression SOP


Standard flight config (planners/flight lead only)

x4 f-16CJ Lead = AGM-65/SDB, optional: add CBU Wing = AGM-88 x2 All = TGP + HTS if able.

How to kill a site (planners/flight lead only)


  1. Shooter / suppressor / shooter / cover (swing role to suppressor if needed) is a good fighter to fighter brief for this.
  2. Use AGM-88 at shooter "IP inbound" or "IN" call. Use AGM-65 on FCR.


  1. Use SDB (AGM-65 if unavail) at medium altitude with jammer.


  1. For SA-20/21 only: SA-20/21 outranges HARM, so you need to approach blocking LOS and then pop-up. NOE ingress to ~20 miles. Then rapid climb to SDB parameters.
  2. Continuously suppress site in the climb, and then sustain until flaplid is destroyed.
  3. Engage with SDBs (or AGM-65 if SDB unavail), priority for flaplid.

SA 11/17 family

With SDB from standoff distance, if unable: continuously suppress site with 30 second HARM timeout and attack with AGM-65.

Israeli weapons

see here:

