Squadron Process

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Team Charter

UOAF Roundel clean2.png

Squadron Vision We aspire to be the most fun, accessible, humble, and passionate flight simulation squadron in the world
  • Hosting detailed, well thought-out, epic, seriously fun, and consistent BMS events
  • Consider engagement with other sims
  • Host training events and wiki
  • Community outreach
    • Open door
    • Creating good relationships with community leaders, content creators
    • Being the example which sim communities should aspire to
  • Re-evaluation and re-assessment - data driven and collection
  • Frequent involvement of the squadron in squadron direction and decision making
Roles + responsibilities Lead (Krause)
  • Wringable neck for the squadron
  • Prioritizes squadron resources, if need be
  • Leads planning and squadron process as a servant leader
  • Veto power on decisions when there is a lack of alignment
  • Delegates powers to other patch members, and mentors/coaches them on execution
  • Expert-level flight sim guy

Roster (“patched members”):

  • Day to day moderators of the events/operations
  • Training
  • Flight leading
  • Package leading
  • Responsible for supporting and improving SOPs
  • Face of the squadron
  • Meet minimum competencies
    • Sharing resources to help people get to min competencies
  • Giving input and voting on what we should do next
  • Fragging/supporting events
  • Event coordination (See below)

Frag team:

  • Owns standards for the frag
    • Improving and teaching those standards
  • Generating the frags
Scope In:
  • BMS events
  • Open to other types of gaming (e.g. DCS, IL2, Steelbeasts etc)
    • Our values should apply to those games
  • Cross-community events
  • Content creation
    • Mod development
    • Videos
  • Creating/supporting a wiki (resurrect codex)
  • Everything on Discord
  • Surveying and collecting metrics
  • Server maintenance/expansion
  • Website


  • TeamSpeak (We can use it, but we want to move toward discord)
  • Mutual learning
  • Being respectful
  • Be an example to others
  • Serious fun
  • Team work
  • Should accept/give feedback
  • Expertise
  • Continuous improvement
  • Punctuality
Success criteria How do we know if we are being successful?
  • We have a set of KPIs here which are collected after every event. We use this data to steer improvements in the squadron.
Motto Sordida Unguibus “Dirty fingernails”


We use Discord (click to join) to communicate over voice, post and share events. We can also use TeamSpeak on demand at pw: grits.


Please store all documents (including ACMI) on the UOAF google drive here. Note that this is a public folder, but can only be edited by the UOAF members google group which includes all patched members. IF you want to restrict access (e.g. confidential info), be sure to click the “share” button on the top right and tweak it so that only uoaf-members@googlegroups.com OR a specific subset of members can see it.


  • We use threads in Discord under "Event list" to manage who is doing what in events. Each event must have a fragger and moderator. Respond to the event thread with the emoji reflecting fragger or moderator if you're going to participate.
  • We use #event-and-squadron-planning discord channel to discuss plans and who is running events
  • We use #metrics-and-event-performance to share back performance from events.



Uoaf-members aka uoaf-members@googlegroups.com

  • Who: All patch members.
  • Have edit access to the google drive location (all can view)
  • Includes “UOAF-leadership” (see below)


  • Who: Officers/leadership team


UOAF uses a paypal business account under the email uoafdonations@gmail.com

The paypal link for recurring monthly is here. Members and stakeholders are suggested to donate to ensure continued operation of the squadron.

The paypal account is currently owned by Chris Krause. Any balance is held in reserve for voting by the squadron, any deficit is currently paid for out of pocket by Chris Krause.

Financial records of the paypal are to be shared with the community whenever requested.

Voting in Patched Members

Anyone can initiate a vote for someone to become a patched member. The goal of voting is to gain consensus on whether or not the person in question exemplifies the values of UOAF (see above) and also is taking on the list of responsibilities of a patched member on his/her own initiative (See above), with promise to expand those responsibilities.

We bias toward saying "No" than "Yes" and hold a very high personal conduct bar. Anyone who we can't say no to should have been a patch member already!

The squadron leader has veto power as with all things.

Initiating a Vote

Make a post in #roster-voting, following the template:

@Roster I'd like to nominate [@name] for roster! 
[optional reason for nomination]
Respond to this with :goodvibes:  if you think [he/she] should be one and :Disappointed:  if not. 

Then send an email to uoaf-members@googlegroups.com letting everyone know a nomination is starting. This is to give members who are not monitoring discord a chance to see the notification, and to make sure it doesn't get buried.

Roster members should not discuss membership - even to gauge interest - with the nominee during the voting process for a few reasons:

  1. We don't want the nominee campaigning roster members to vote for them.
  2. If the nomination fails (either by vote or by veto), we don't want the nominee to feel like the rug was pulled out from under them.

The squadron leader will end the voting period, typically 72 hours after the email is sent. If the nomination succeeds, the squadron leader or a designated 2nd will reach out to the nominee and:

  1. Invite them to the roster. If they accept,
  2. Confirm they have read/understood this page, and understand how we pay for our shit.
  3. Get their email address and add it to google group here: https://groups.google.com/u/2/g/uoaf-members

Once all steps are complete, the squadron leader will add them to the Discord @roster tag and make a hype post in #roster with mad emoticons.

Offboarding Roster Checklist

  • Remove from google group
  • Remove Roster tag
  • Remove AWS IAM account (if applicable)


    • Server database is maintained here
    • There is also a link with credentials/RDP information in it, ask leadership for a link.

Check Ride for new players

  • New players who don't have demonstrated community experience or a community sponsor elsewhere generally need to have a "Checkride" before being allowed into a weekend multiplayer event
  • A checkride is an evaluation of a player's capability to meet our minimum competencies and SOPs
  • Checkride typically take 1 hour or less and should be executed for a single prospect by an experienced roster member
  • BS1 created a kit for performing a checkride here that covers all the minimum competencies and is intended to simulate a small but "full vertical" of an event.