Advanced avionics
Learning objectives
- CRUS page
- Time page and ROLEX
- BINGO page
- STPT page
- MARK page
Time page and ROLEX
The TIME page allows the pilot to set a HACK timer and a DELTA TOS for ROLEX calls. The first line gives the current system time. The second line is the hack timer. As the arrows indicate, pressing the ICP NEXT rocker button will start/freeze/resume the timer and ICP PREVIOUS rocker button will reset the hack timer to zero. When the HACK timer is running it is also visible on the CNI page.
ROLEX calls are initiated when TOS for all steerpoints need to be adjusted. This is done through the TIME page by changing the DELTA TOS. Place the scratchpad on the DELTA TOS line and input the ROLEX value. If a minus is required start your input with the 0 (zero) ICP key for the minus sign.
- For instance: “Mamba flight Rolex +2” => TIME, DCS down to DELTA TOS: 2, 0, 0, ENTR
- Another example: “Mamba flight Rolex -3” => TIME, DCS down to DELTA TOS: 0, 3, 0, 0, ENTR