Dedicated server

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It takes some special configuration to run a dedicated server that can host BMS.

Learning objectives

  1. DLL overrides for running 3D without a graphics card
  2. Bandwidth requirements
  3. Configuration file settings
    1. Six minute taxi
    2. Long running campaign
    3. Settings to keep server flight in 3D

Learning files



set g_nTaxiLaunchTime 6
set g_bStrictFogOfWar 1 // Experimental! Forces the map and OOB to honor the unit spotted/identified status more rigorously (default 0/false)
set g_nForceMinClientBwSetting 1024
set g_nDeagTimer 2 // AB A/C spawn-> lead time before taxiing (in min)
set g_npercentage_available_aircraft 100 // Determines what proportion of your squadron's roster will be available (in %)


;This is the amount of time in minutes the player has from the 
;time he enters the sim to get off the ground or get bumped back 
;to the UI.  (Note: regardless of this value the player is always 
;given at least 1 minute past his scheduled takeoff time)
PlayerBumpTime = 1000000
;At what amount of time in minutes past their scheduled takeoff 
;time is an AI plane yanked out of the sim (i.e. cancelled)
AIPullTime = 10